YU Nostalgija

Apel imunolozima širom sveta

Dear colleagues,

The Yugoslav Immunological Society, which in fact was for more than 15 years  functioning as a harmonious and most efficient Union of independent immunological societies of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, was in 1969 one of the Founding Members of the International Union of Immunological Societies. Since then, the Society as a whole, as well as many of its prominent members individually were deeply and sincerely engaged in developing and maintaining personal and professional contacts between immunologists of various countries across all ideological barriers in favour of a free, open and collaborative international scientific community. This was done successfully in spite of many obstacles often imposed by then ruling communist authorities but without any problem due to different national belonging of the members of our Society. However, these days we witness that these activities, as well as the bare existence of the Yugoslav Immunological Society is seriously endangered, and that even lives of our young colleagues immunologists are threatened by the dirty and lunatic war which threatens to inflame the whole country. The direct consequence of the above mentioned tragic events for all the citizens of Yugoslavia, is the dirty war which at present is devastating Croatia, but which soon will necessarily flood other parts of the country as well. This most uncivilised and insane war in the heart of an emancipated Europe has to be stopped at once!

I wrote this Appeal with a feeling of bitterness because of the disastrous fate of my country (which should be either Confederate Yugoslavia or the Union of Sovereign Republics of Yugoslavia) but also with lot of optimism because of firm conviction that our colleagues immunologists will help us. Obviously this conviction is based on common experience that immunologists in general are peace-loving, well-advised, broadminded and intelligent people.

Miroslav Simić                                                                                                 September 1991

President of the Yugoslav

Immunological Society


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